Thread für alles, was nicht irgendwo reinpasst....

  • Zitat von olymp69

    Ja, woohs, woohs...
    Ei säi ju, ei häw giwn mi sou matsch äfford, änd nau ju kamm hier änd love?
    (Übersetzung der Redaktion: I say you, I have given me so much effort, and now you come her and laugh.?
    Greetings joor Loddar

    Boggerl-Olymp Bärenfell perversions GmbH und CoKain © by putzi

  • Zitat von olymp69

    212 € für ne Stehplatz-DK? :shock:
    Die :clown: sind doch nicht ganz frisch... :durchge:

    is halt ein "Karnevals-Verein" ... facepalm.gif

    Fanfreundschaft S04-1.FCN

  • Was kostet ein Tor
    Fans zahlen mehr Geld für weniger Tore

    Was kostet ein Tor
    Die „Was kostet ein Tor“-Rangliste von Stadionwelt zeigt,
    bei welchen Bundesligavereinen die Fans am meisten Heimtore für ihr Eintrittsgeld bekommen –
    so stellt die Tabelle die Eintrittspreise unterschiedlicher Kategorien mit den erzielten Heimtoren in Relation.
    Kurzum wird damit das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis der Bundesligaclubs dargestellt.

    Fanfreundschaft S04-1.FCN

  • MS Surface vs iPad - inoffizieller spot

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    "Mein Name ist Lohse, ich kaufe hier ein."

  • wenn das der schweini liest sind wir unsere halbe mannschaft los.

    vorallem gebhart wirds härter treffen als breno :mrgreen:

  • tu ich ma mit hierrein,
    weil ich nich weiß wohin damit...

    O’Rourke: „Humorlose Fans sind eine Gefahr für den Fußball“
    Donny O’Rourke, weiß, wie man Menschen von sich einnimmt.
    Vor allem aber weiß der schottische Dichter eine Menge über Fußball zu erzählen.
    Über Fußball und dessen schöne und hässliche Seiten.

    nettes Interview...

    Fanfreundschaft S04-1.FCN

  • The Balotelli Story. (worth the read)

    £10,000 in parking fines.
    Car has been impounded 27 times.
    £300,000 fine for throwing darts at the youth team.

    Won £25,000 in a casino, gave £1,000 to a tramp outside the casino.
    Threw tomatoes at a Serie A manager.
    Threw Water Balloons at a Serie A disciplinary hearing.
    Started a fight with 4 bouncers after breaking the "no touching" rule at a strip club.
    The "bib" saga.
    Had a £120,000 Audi imported, wrote it off within a week.
    Had his friend approach girls in a nightclub and say "Balotelli will see you now"
    Sent to the shops by his mother to buy essentials for the house, came back with a giant trampoline and a Vespa and a Scalectrix.
    Has started fights at training with Kompany, Boateng, Tevez and Richards.
    Was frequently seen at the AC Milan superstore while playing for Inter Milan.
    Went on TV wearing an AC Milan shirt with his name on the back while playing for Inter.
    Whilst playing for Italy under 21's, he is fouled, he sits on the pitch for 3-4 minutes ignoring the opposition, his team mates and the referee.
    He is then offended when he gets sent off and protests about it.
    Winks at Ferdinand after FA cup semi final and celebrates in front of the United fans.
    After the cup final on live TV, he says " I have been sh*t this season, am I allowed say sh*t on TV?
    Was stopped by police going around his hometown of Hulme with £ 25,000 cash in the passenger seat. When asked why he replied " because I'm rich"
    Had to be physically hauled away by Zanetti for refusing to let Samuel Eto'o take a penalty that he had earned.
    Once broke up with a girlfriend via text whilst she was presenting a live show.
    Slept with an Italian model while his girlfriend was downstairs.
    Drove his car into a women's prison because he wanted to "look around"
    Has connections with the Italian mafia, he has testified in court at a Mafia trial.
    Brought his Ipad on to the bench for Italy's international against the Faroe Islands because he wanted to play games on it.
    Was seen in a Manchester shopping centre "hi-fiving" city fans the day after City had beaten United 6-1.
    Became the face of a firework safety campaign a few days after setting his house on fire from letting off fireworks indoors.
    Hands £50 notes to strangers when out shopping in Manchester.
    Chanted "Rooney, Rooney" at the prostitute who claimed to have slept with Wayne Rooney.
    Italy had just brought out a brand new home kit, at the start of the second half for their first match wearing the new kit, Balotelli came out in the old kit, claiming he didn't like the new one. Nobody else had changed.
    Turned the landscaped back garden of his house into a Quad bike track.
    Went in to Manchester Uni library and tried to pay off all outstanding book fines for everyone.
    Adopted a stray cat which keeps going in to their training sessions.

    bundes-yogi hat na etz aber aus der nationalmannschaft geschmissen.

    "Deine Augen sehen es, doch dein Verstand kann es nicht fassen"


  • war auf der fb-seitn vom jan delay. weiter war ka quelle dabei.

    hätt aber wohl eher zum internationalen fussball gepasst. :schaem:
    aber sowas passiert, wenn man am tag der abschaffung der fankultur mit tränen in den augen mitten in der nacht sich foriert. :heul:

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    "Deine Augen sehen es, doch dein Verstand kann es nicht fassen"


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